+1 905 760 0600

Aisone Kitchens Inc.

Cell Phone: 905-760-0600

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For nearly two decades, Aisone Kitchens has served custom home builders, businesses as well as homeowners, meeting all their demands with custom cabinetry needs.

Dedicated to customer satisfaction, we bring together quality, functionality, and aesthetics, while keeping pricing competitive; and regardless of the complexity of the project we pay close attention to detail. Keeping our production facility technologically up to date we are prepared to take on any customized project, from contemporary to traditional. Our staff work hard at coordinating with our clients in every step of the way, acknowledging all their expectations towards satisfactory completion of their projects.

  • Area of Focus: Cabinet Making
  • Languages Spoken: English, Farsi, Russan
  • Speciality:Kitchen, Wall Unit, Vanity, Closet

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